
Tổng hợp những bộ đề thi mẫu kì thi đánh giá năng lực 2022 môn Tiếng Anh

Nhằm đáp ứng số lượng sinh viên đủ tiêu chuẩn và tạo điều kiện thuận lợi tuyển sinh đối với học sinh cuối cấp 3. Hiện nay, có đa dạng hình thức tuyển sinh, thi đánh giá năng lực cũng là một trong số hình thức phổ biến mà học sinh cuối cấp lựa chọn. Vậy thi đánh giá năng lực là gì? Xem ngay các đề thi mẫu kì thi đánh giá năng lực 2022 môn Tiếng Anh, để chuẩn bị tốt cho kỳ thi sắp tới nhé!

Thi Đánh giá năng lực (ĐGNL) là gì?

Khái niệm: Kỳ thi đánh giá năng lực nhằm giúp các sĩ tử đặt chân vào ngôi trường mơ ước của mình.  kiểm tra với nội dung đánh năng lực cơ bản của thí sinh với các môn khác nhau trong cùng 1 đề thi.

đề thi mẫu ĐGNL 2022 môn tiếng anh

  • Về hình thức: Dạng đề thi sẽ là trắc nghiệm khách quan (MCQ – Multiple Choice Question)
  • Về nội dung: Nội dung bài thi đánh giá năng lực tích hợp gồm nhiều kiến thức và tư duy khác nhau như: sử dụng các bài toán phân tích số liệu, đánh giá khả năng suy luận qua các dạng toán hình học, cách giải quyết vấn đề và các công thức cơ bản.
  • Thi đánh giá năng lực dựa trên việc tiếp cận tương tự như kỳ thi SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) của Mỹ.

Mục tiêu:

  • Mang lại nhiều cơ hội cho học sinh hơn khi tham gia xét tuyển vào một số trường Đại học.
  • Đánh giá năng lực của học sinh THPT có theo chuẩn đầu ra của chương trình giáo dục phổ thông mới hay không.
  • Hướng nghiệp và tăng khả năng tư duy của học sinh qua các kiến thức cơ bản.
  • Kiểm tra kiến thức xã hội, tự nhiên, tư duy, kỹ năng của học sinh như tư duy logic, xử lý dữ liệu, sử dụng ngôn ngữ

Cấu trúc đề thi đánh giá năng lực môn Tiếng Anh

Cấu trúc đề thi đánh giá năng lực gồm 120 câu trong đó có 3 phần chính:

Phần 1: Ngôn ngữ:

  • Tiếng Việt: 20 câu
  • Tiếng Anh: 20 câu

Phần 2: Toán học, tư duy logic, phân tích các số liệu:

  • Toán học: 10 câu
  • Tư duy logic 10 câu
  • Phân tích số liệu: 10 câu

Phần 3: Giải quyết thực trạng các vấn đề:

  • Lịch sử: 10 câu
  • Địa lý: 10 câu
  • Vật lý: 10 câu
  • Hoá học: 10 câu
  • Sinh học: 10 câu

đề thi mẫu ĐGNL 2022 môn tiếng anh

3 đề thi tham khảo môn Tiếng Anh

1 số đề thi đánh giá năng lực tham khảo của các năm gần đây:

Đề thi mẫu kì thi đánh giá năng lực môn Tiếng Anh từ câu 20 – 40 năm 2021:

đề thi mẫu ĐGNL 2022 môn tiếng anh

Questions 21-25: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C, or D) to fill in each blank.

Câu 21: Jack always casts doubt _____ any call for donation. He never gives anything away.

A. to
B. about
C. on
D. with

Câu 22: Before saying goodbye, we _____ a warm party together, probably in three days.
A. will have
B. will have had
C. would have
D. had

Câu 23: Nancy offered to clean the kitchen, but Jack said he could do it _____.
A. better than her
B. better than
C. more well than her
D. good enough

Câu 24: As a critical writer, Tim often writes _____ articles for his newspaper.
A. realism
B. realistic
C. really
D. reality

Câu 25: _____ sadness or disappointment is not good. Everybody needs positivity for a happy life.
A. A great amount
B. A lot
C. Too much
D. Many

Đề thi ĐGNL phần Tiếng Anh từ câu 20 - 40 năm 2021:

Questions 31-35: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?

Câu 31: Mary said, “I’ve just got a new job, so I can’t ask for a day off this week”.
A. Mary told me about her new job, but I couldn’t get a day off that week to go out with her.
B. Mary said that when she got a new job, she was not allowed to ask for a day off a week.
C. Mary was glad that she had got a new job, but she was sad that she could not have a day off a week.
D. Mary told me that she could not ask for a day off that week because she had just got a new job.

Câu 32: Not many people like Tim because he is not very polite.
A. Tim will like more people if they are more polite.
B. If Tim were more polite, more people would like him.
C. Unless Tim is polite, people will not like him at all.
D. If Tim had been more polite, more people would have liked him.

Câu 33: Susan is interesting, but her two sisters are even more interesting.
A. Compared with her sisters, Susan is the most interesting.
B. Of the three sisters, Susan is the least interesting.
C. Susan and her two sisters are the most interesting of all.
D. One of Susan’s sisters is more interesting than Susan.

Câu 34: The guest is singing a very sad song which upsets me.
A. I want to upset the guest by singing a very sad song.
B. A very sad song is sung by the guest who wants to upset me.
C. The upset guest is singing a very sad song to me.
D. I’m upset by a very sad song currently sung by the guest.

Câu 35: Peter must be very happy if I offer to accompany him by car.
A. I think that Peter will probably feel happy if I offer to go with him by car.
B. I must offer to accompany Peter by car so that he will feel happy.
C. I’m certain that Peter will be very happy if I offer to go with him by car.
D. It is possible that Peter will feel happy if I am his company going by car.

Questions 36-40: Read the passage carefully.
1. Organic food is very popular. It is also expensive. Some organic food costs twice as much
as non-organic food. New parents and pet owners pay up to 200% more for organic food.
Some people think organic food is a waste of money.

2. There is one main difference between organic and non-organic food. Organic farms do not
use agricultural chemicals such as pesticides. In many countries, organic foods have special
labels. These guarantee that the products are natural.

3. Some people think organic means locally grown. Originally this was true. Over time,
organic farming became more difficult. The demand for organic food grew larger than the
supply. Small companies had to sell out to large companies. There were not enough organic
ingredients such as grain and cattle. This made it difficult for many organic companies to
stay in business. Today, many large companies have an organic line of products.

4. Is organic food more nutritious? This is part of the debate. A large number of farmers and
consumers believe it is. They think agricultural chemicals cause health problems such as
cancer or allergies. Many health professionals disagree. Few studies prove that organic
foods prevent health problems. Health specialists worry more about bacteria such as E.coli
and salmonella. These can come into contact with organic and non-organic food. Doctors
recommend washing produce very carefully. Handling meat carefully is important, too.

5. Most people agree that naturally grown food tastes better. Is tastier food worth extra
money? This is a matter of opinion. Whether it is healthier or not may require more
research. However, organic consumers argue it is better to be safe than sorry.
Choose an option (A, B, C, or D) that best answers each question.

Câu 36: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Comparison of organic food and non-organic food.
B. Nutritious values of organic food.
C. General information of organic food.
D. The origin and development of organic food.

Câu 37: In paragraph 3, what is the word Originally closest in meaning to?
A. Specially.
B. Initially.
C. Positively.
D. Basically.

Câu 38: In paragraph 4, what does the word it refer to?
A. Organic food.
B. Part.
C. Debate.
D. Number.

Câu 39: According to paragraph 4, what is TRUE about organic food?
A. It is widely recommended by doctors for nutrition.
B. It was proved to prevent many health problems.
C. It may cause some types of cancer or allergies.
D. It also causes worries for healthcare experts.

Câu 40: According to paragraph 5, what can be inferred about organic consumers?
A. They are sorry about organic food’s low values.
B. They do not mind spending to protect their health.
C. They are totally safe by eating organic food.
D. They require more research on organic food.

Đề thi mẫu kì thi đánh giá năng lực môn Tiếng Anh từ câu 20 – 40 năm 2020:

đề thi mẫu ĐGNL 2022 môn tiếng anh

Questions 21 – 25: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C, or D) to fill in each blank.
21. The cutting or replacement of trees downtown _____ arguments recently.
A. has caused B. have caused C. are causing D. caused

22. Many places _____ our city are heavily polluted.
A. on B. in C. at D. upon

23. There were so _____ negative comments on Tom’s post that he had to remove it.
A. much B. many C. a lot of D. plenty

24. His mother is _____ mine, but he is younger than me.
A. more old than B. old as C. not as older as D. older than

25. You’re driving _____! It is really dangerous in this snowy weather.
A. carelessly B. careless C. carelessness D. carefulness

Đề thi ĐGNL phần Tiếng Anh từ câu 20 - 40 năm 2020:

Questions 31 – 35: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?
31. I may buy a piece of land as a way of saving for my old age.
A. To save for my old age, I am advised to buy a piece of land.
B. It is possible that I will save for my old age after buying a piece of land.
C. After I have saved for my old age, I will buy a piece of land.
D. To save for my old age, I am likely to buy a piece of land.

32. Linda would not win a high prize in swimming if she did not maintain her training.
A. Linda is not maintaining her training to score well in swimming.
B. Linda does not want to win a high prize in swimming at all.
C. Linda will win a very high prize in swimming if she maintains her training.
D. Linda joined a swimming contest and tried to win a high prize.

33. Timmy seems to be smarter than all the other kids in his group.
A. Timmy is as smart as all the kids in his group.
B. All the other kids in Timmy’s group are certainly not as smart as him.
C. Other kids are smart, but Timmy is smarter than most of them.
D. It is likely that Timmy is the smartest of all the kids in his group.

34. When I was sick, my best friend took care of me.
A. I had to look after my best friend, who was sick.
B. I was sick when I cared for my best friend.
C. I was cared for by my best friend when I was sick.
D. My best friend was taken care of by me when getting sick.

35. Dr. Mary Watson told Jack, “You cannot go home until you feel better.”
A. Dr. Mary Watson advised Jack to stay until he felt better.
B. Dr. Mary Watson did not allow Jack to go home until he felt better.
C. Dr. Mary Watson does not want Jack to go home because he is not feeling well now.
D. Dr. Mary Watson asked Jack to stay at home until he felt better.

Questions 36 – 40: Read the passage carefully.
1) At home, I used to suffer enough with my husband who is a heavy smoker. Now, I am
delighted that smoking is going to be banned in the majority of enclosed public spaces in Britain from July this year. In fact, I cannot wait for the ban to arrive. When hanging out, I am fed up with sitting in pubs with my eyes and throat hurting because of all the tobacco smoke in the air. As soon as I leave the pub I always find that my clothes and hair stink of cigarettes, so the first thing I do when I get home is to have a shower.

2) It is not my problem if smokers want to destroy their own health, but I hate it when they start polluting my lungs as well. Passive smoking is a real problem, as a lot of medical studies have shown that non-smokers who spend a long time in smoky environments have an increased risk of heart disease and lung cancer.

3) It is ridiculous when you hear smokers talking about the ban taking away their “rights”. If they are in a pub and they feel the need for a cigarette, obviously they will still be able to go outside in the street and have one. What is wrong with that? It will certainly be a bit inconvenient for them, but maybe that will help them to quit.

36. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Reasons British people suggest the government should ban smoking in public places.
B. How British people oppose the smoking ban in enclosed public spaces.
C. A personal view on British smoking ban in enclosed public areas.
D. Harmful effects of smoking on second-hand smokers in the family.

37. In paragraph 1, what is the word stink closest in meaning to?
A. smell unpleasantly B. cover fully C. pack tightly D. get dirty

38. According to paragraph 2, what does the writer say about smokers?
A. They have risks of heart disease.
B. They will certainly have lung cancer.
C. She does not care about their health.
D. They have polluted lungs.

39. In paragraph 3, what does the word one refer to?
A. need
B. pub
C. cigarette
D. street
40. According to the passage, what can be inferred about the writer’s attitude toward the smoking ban?
A. She thinks it might be helpful to smokers.
B. She feels sorry for heavy smokers.
C. She thinks it is unnecessary.
D. She expresses no feelings.

Đề thi mẫu kì thi đánh giá năng lực môn Tiếng Anh từ câu 20 – 40 năm 2019:

đề thi mẫu ĐGNL 2022 môn tiếng anh

Questions 21 – 25: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C, or D) to fill in each blank.
21. The cutting or replacement of trees downtown _____ arguments recently.
A. has caused
B. have caused
C. are causing
D. caused

22. Many places _____ our city are heavily polluted.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. upon

23. There were so _____ negative comments on Tom’s post that he had to remove it.
A. much
B. many
C. a lot of
D. plenty

24. His mother is _____ mine, but he is younger than me.
A. more old than
B. old as
C. not as older as
D. older than

25. You’re driving _____! It is really dangerous in this snowy weather.
A. carelessly
B. careless
C. carelessness
D. carefulness

Đề thi ĐGNL phần Tiếng Anh từ câu 20 - 40 năm 2019:

Questions 31 – 35: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?
31. I may buy a piece of land as a way of saving for my old age.
A. To save for my old age, I am advised to buy a piece of land.
B. It is possible that I will save for my old age after buying a piece of land.
C. After I have saved for my old age, I will buy a piece of land.
D. To save for my old age, I am likely to buy a piece of land.

32. Linda would not win a high prize in swimming if she did not maintain her training.
A. Linda is not maintaining her training to score well in swimming.
B. Linda does not want to win a high prize in swimming at all.
C. Linda will win a very high prize in swimming if she maintains her training.
D. Linda joined a swimming contest and tried to win a high prize.

33. Timmy seems to be smarter than all the other kids in his group.
A. Timmy is as smart as all the kids in his group.
B. All the other kids in Timmy’s group are certainly not as smart as him.
C. Other kids are smart, but Timmy is smarter than most of them.
D. It is likely that Timmy is the smartest of all the kids in his group.

34. When I was sick, my best friend took care of me.
A. I had to look after my best friend, who was sick.
B. I was sick when I cared for my best friend.
C. I was cared for by my best friend when I was sick.
D. My best friend was taken care of by me when getting sick.

35. Dr. Mary Watson told Jack, “You cannot go home until you feel better.”
A. Dr. Mary Watson advised Jack to stay until he felt better.
B. Dr. Mary Watson did not allow Jack to go home until he felt better.
C. Dr. Mary Watson does not want Jack to go home because he is not feeling well now.
D. Dr. Mary Watson asked Jack to stay at home until he felt better.

Questions 36 – 40: Read the passage carefully.
1) At home, I used to suffer enough with my husband who is a heavy smoker. Now, I am
delighted that smoking is going to be banned in the majority of enclosed public spaces in Britain from July this year. In fact, I cannot wait for the ban to arrive. When hanging out, I am fed up with sitting in pubs with my eyes and throat hurting because of all the tobacco smoke in the air. As soon as I leave the pub I always find that my clothes and hair stink of cigarettes, so the first thing I do when I get home is to have a shower.
2) It is not my problem if smokers want to destroy their own health, but I hate it when they start polluting my lungs as well. Passive smoking is a real problem, as a lot of medical studies have shown that non-smokers who spend a long time in smoky environments have an increased risk of heart disease and lung cancer.
3) It is ridiculous when you hear smokers talking about the ban taking away their ‘rights’. If they are in a pub and they feel the need for a cigarette, obviously they will still be able to go outside in the street and have one. What is wrong with that? It will certainly be a bit inconvenient for them, but maybe that will help them to quit.
Choose an option (A, B, C, or D) that best answers each question.

36. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Reasons British people suggest the government should ban smoking in public places.
B. How British people oppose the smoking ban in enclosed public spaces.
C. A personal view on British smoking ban in enclosed public areas.
D. Harmful effects of smoking on second-hand smokers in the family.

37. In paragraph 1, what is the word stink closest in meaning to?
A. smell unpleasantly

B. cover fully

C. pack tightly

D. get dirty

38. According to paragraph 2, what does the writer say about smokers?
A. They have risks of heart disease.

B. They will certainly have lung cancer.

C. She does not care about their health.

D. They have polluted lungs.

39. In paragraph 3, what does the word one refer to?
A. need
B. pub
C. cigarette
D. street

40. According to the passage, what can be inferred about the writer’s attitude toward the smoking ban?
A. She thinks it might be helpful to smokers.

B. She feels sorry for heavy smokers.

C. She thinks it is unnecessary.

D. She expresses no feelings.

Xem thêm:

Trên đây là toàn bộ thông tin cũng như các đề thi mẫu kì thi đánh giá năng lực môn Tiếng Anh gần đây nhất. Hy vọng rằng với những thông tin mà Bamboo chia sẻ hữu ích đến các bạn. Chúc các bạn thi tốt!

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